Gadkie lebedi 2006

Drama Mystery Sci-Fi

The writer is invited to the town of Tashlinsk by the mutants who emerged after an unnatural and constant rain causing the evacuation of the city, and by the children who are studying the unearthly knowledge of mutants.

Tutti i titoli
  • Гадкие лебеди
  • The Ugly Swans
  • BR: Os Cisnes Feios Os Cisnes Feios
  • FI: The Ugly Swans The Ugly Swans
  • DE: Die hässlichen Schwäne Die hässlichen Schwäne
  • PL: Pora deszczów Pora deszczów
  • UA: Гидкi лебедi Гидкi лебедi
  • US: The Ugly Swans The Ugly Swans
Data di rilascio 03 Nov 2009
Link IMDb
