The Shape of Things to Come 1979

Adventure Sci-Fi Thriller

Some time in the future, man has set up colonies on the Moon, when Earth becomes uninhabitable. A madman decides to destroy the Moon colonies with his robots and automated ships, and only three people and their robot dog can stop him.

Tutti i titoli
  • CA: The Shape of Things to Come The Shape of Things to Come
  • FI: Taistelu avaruudessa Taistelu avaruudessa
  • FI: Tulevaisuuden maailma Tulevaisuuden maailma
  • FR: Alerte dans le cosmos Alerte dans le cosmos
  • IT: Il pianeta ribelle Il pianeta ribelle
  • MX: El mundo que viene El mundo que viene
  • ES: El mundo que viene El mundo que viene
  • UA: The Shape of Things to Come The Shape of Things to Come
  • US: H.G. Wells' The Shape of Things to Come H.G. Wells' The Shape of Things to Come
  • CA: Delta III Delta III
  • CA: Unternehmen Delta 3 Unternehmen Delta 3
Data di rilascio 05 Aug 1979
Link IMDb
