The Undertaker's Wedding 1998

Comedy Crime

A hapless undertaker becomes embroiled in a mafia war when he's forced to protect the brutal brother of a mob kingpin while be becomes romantically involved with the mob brother's wife.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: The Undertaker's Wedding The Undertaker's Wedding
  • BR: Um Casamento e um Funeral Um Casamento e um Funeral
  • BG: Сватбата на гробаря Сватбата на гробаря
  • CA: J'ai épousé un croque-mort J'ai épousé un croque-mort
  • DE: Leichenschmaus am Hochzeitstag Leichenschmaus am Hochzeitstag
  • GR: O gamos tou nekrothafti O gamos tou nekrothafti
  • ES: La boda del enterrador La boda del enterrador
  • SE: Herr Bellini är sig inte lik Herr Bellini är sig inte lik
Data di rilascio 10 Feb 1998
Link IMDb
