Звери, что цепляются за соломинку 2020

Drama Mystery Thriller

A struggling restaurant owner, caring for his sick mom, finds a bag of cash in a sauna locker, while a customs officer gets into trouble when his girlfriend runs off with money he borrowed from a loan shark.

Tutti i titoli
  • KR: Beasts That Cling to the Straw Beasts That Cling to the Straw
  • FR: Lucky Strike Lucky Strike
  • KP: Jipuragirado japgo sipeun jimseungdeul Jipuragirado japgo sipeun jimseungdeul
  • TW: 抓住救命稻草的野獸們 抓住救命稻草的野獸們
  • UA: Звірі, що чіпляються за соломинку Звірі, що чіпляються за соломинку
  • UA: Beasts That Cling to the Straw Beasts That Cling to the Straw
  • KR: Beasts Clawing at Straws Beasts Clawing at Straws
Data di rilascio 19 Feb 2020
Link IMDb


Звери, что цепляются за соломинку 2020